Originally Posted By: Tomao
Why not escape it:
Then you make the colon sign literal so it won't be associated with regex's special meaning.

This has nothing to do with regex, in fact he wants it to work with regex, not escape it. Like I said in my previous post its the way mIRC parses the event, also there is no escape sequences for match texts.

If you have something like: on $*:text:/^!foobar (?\:\S+)/:#:{

mIRC will parse is into "$*", "text", "/^!foobar (?\", "\S+)/", "?"
notice, at that point your matchtext is broken, this is done way before the matchtext is even being matched. as a result you simply cannot have colons in the matchtext at all.

Last edited by Wiz126; 15/03/11 08:03 PM.