I'm not sure how you're qualifying "a lot more" work. To run exec.dll under wine, you don't even *need* to add an alias, you just need to call the correct command-- this is quite similar to your script prefixing /run commands with a perl script, if not equivalent. The alternate methods (using an env var, adding the alias) are optional-- it's really just:

/exec \bin\sh -c "COMMAND HERE"

Yours is:

/run perlscript COMMAND HERE

Of course they're both hidden inside of neat little aliases that also look the same.

To me, creating that alias doesn't seem much more complicated than setting up a perl script (installing, chmodding). But in any case, since your script can't run more than one command at a time, the "extra work" adds a lot more functionality and removes a lot of moving parts like timers, filesystem polling, etc..

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"