Just an update of what I'd like to see done with $editbox:

If N is specified, results for the 2nd editbox are returned

Z is optional and if Z is specified, then $editbox will return the Zth line of the editbox history.
  If Z is 0, the total number of lines stored in the editbox history are returned.
  N must be specified(0 for first editbox, 1 for second editbox)

.x|y|w|h returns the x, y, width or height, in pixels, of the editbox.

.focus returns $true of $false if the editbox has focus.

What I'd like to see done with /editbox:
/editbox -hwN +aodilN window text

If the -wN switch is specified, then the width of the editbox is adjusted to N pixels. 
The -wN switch is only applicable when using the 2 editbox setup.

If the -h switch is specified, then the editbox history is to be manipulated.

The following switches are used with the -h switch:
  +a appends <text> as a new entry into the editbox history.
  +o used with +lN overwrites the Nth entry in the editbox hystory.
  +d used with +lN to delete the Nth entry in the editbox hystory.
  +i used with +lN inserts <text> after the Nth entry in the editbox hystory.
  +lN manipulates the Nth line in the editbox history.

I am SReject
My Stuff