Originally Posted By: uberRegenbogen
What is the point of the zzz descriptor, if it only ever yields "GMT"?

zzz will show your offset followed by GMT. For example -0500 GMT, which is stating "-5 hours from GMT". If it showed the time zone "code" in parentheses, then it would mean that is your current time zone :: -0500 (EST), which is stating "-5 hours which is the EST time zone". That's what the parentheses mean.

Yes, you can manually insert GMT there. Some may not want to manually do that. zz lets you display just -0500 if you really don't want to see GMT and z lets you just display is as -5. I don't see any reason to change that.

If any change were considered, I'd look at adding zzzz or something else that would show it as -0500 (EST) and leave zzz as it is. I'm not sure how easy that would be, though. Considering it isn't always EST... it might be EDT depending on daylight savings. I'm not sure if that's easy to grab for mIRC. If it's not too difficult, I wouldn't mind seeing that as an additional option, but definitely don't think we need to remove or replace the existing options.

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