Ok, the first post I did was basically an away check across all networks and what not but didn't account for you being disconnected. This one accounts for that, and has the events to start/stop the checks

on *:INPUT:#,?:{ away.system.auto }
on *:CONNECT:{ if (!$timer(.Auto.Away) { .timer -oi .Auto.Away 0 1 away.system.auto } }

alias away.system.auto {
  var %x = $scon(0)
  while ($scon(%x)) {
    if ($scon(%x).status == Connected) { inc %Away.Connection.Check }
    dec %x
  if (!%Away.Connection.Check) { 
    .timer.Auto.Away off 
  else {
    if (!$timer(.Auto.Away)) { .timer -oi .Auto.Away 0 1 away.system.auto }
    scon -a if ($status == Connected && %away.system.auto == on && $idle >= %away.system.auto.check) inc %away.system.check.idle
    var %x = $scon(%x)
    while (%x) {
      scon %x if ($status == Connected) && ($away) && (%away.system.check.idle != %Away.Connection.Check) { away $chr(124) echo -a unset }
      scon %x if ($status == Connected) && (!$away) && (%away.system.check.idle == %Away.Connection.Check) { away Auto away after $duration(%away.system.auto.check,2) of idle $chr(124) echo -a unset }
      dec %x
  unset %Away.Connection.Check
  unset %away.system.check.idle

I am SReject
My Stuff