Originally Posted By: argv0
Similarly, you should consider numeric timer names as "reserved" in mIRC for the above simple case "auto increment" timer names.

I don't use numbers as timer names. I left that for the automatic numbering. I have used 777 in my example to ensure that the timer will not be given a slot number equal to its id.
I use named timers (with ou without a $cid part) mostly for specific timers that need to be run only once.

The confusing part with $timer(N/name) is the difference of behavior compared to /timer[N/name].

/timer always handle the [] as a name, not as a slot number.

/.timertest 1 1000 echo -gs timer test
/.timer 1 1000 echo -gs timer numbered

"test" is in slot #1
"1" is in slot #2

//echo -gs $timer(1)
outputs "test" (slot #1)

/timer1 -e
ouputs "timer numbered" (timer named "1" in slot #2)