You will have to put a ON/OFF switch in the channel to enable or disable %msgscreen

ON *:OPEN:*:?: { 
  if ( %msgscreen == ON ) {
    echo -a 1 »14»15» 12Msg Screen: $nick is trying to msg you 14(2 $+ $strip($1-) $+ 14)
    beep 5 50 
ON *:TEXT:*:?: { 
  if ( %msgscreen == ON ) {
    echo -a 1 »14»15» 12Msg Screen: $nick is trying to msg you 14(2 $+ $strip($1-) $+ 14)
    beep 5 50 
ON *:ACTION:*:?: { 
  if ( %msgscreen == ON ) {
    echo -a 1 »14»15» 12Msg Screen: $nick is trying to msg you 14(2 $+ $strip($1-) $+ 14)
    beep 5 50 

Intelligence: It's better to ask a stupid question, then to prove it by not asking....