/help /echo

/echo [color] [-deghiNtsaqlbfnmr] [#channel|[=]nick] <text>

Prints text in the specified window using the specified color (0 to 15).

/echo 3 #mIRC Testing
would print "Testing" in the color green in channel window #mIRC, assuming it's already open.

The first [optional parameter] for /echo is [color]. If a number is there it will use that as the color of the echo.
/echo 5 has nothing to echo in color5.

/echo 5 some text
some text
/echo -a 5 some text
5 some text

scanline {
  verif 5 2b 3c

verif {
  echo -a $1
  echo -a $2
  echo -a $3