argvo wrote..
I'd question what it is you're trying to do....
in this instance I need to get to the previous line after seeking to a line using /fseek -w. So if i had the line number of this line (the won i seeked to with /fseek -w) then i could easily get to the previous line with /fseek -l

/fseek -l implies that you know the line number already.

btw in my script i finally used $readn after doing 1 $read first.. & then used the /fseek commands for the rest of the processing.(& keeping track of the line number after that)

argvo wrote
Otherwise, with just a byte position, mIRC would not really be able to implement this any more efficiently than a script-- both of which would implement it inefficiently overall. To get the line number from a position in a file, mIRC would need to loop through each byte counting the lines as it goes.

what about in /fseek -l doesn't it have to do this in this case ?

Thanks for the extra info

Last edited by Nightstorm; 18/06/09 06:43 AM.