It is up to the script writer to set the path correctly, not me. I make sure my files and paths are accurate. If someone else makes their own script and names a file the same as an existing file of mine, yes it will overwrite it. It is up to them to script smartly.

However, your point doesn't apply. If I write a script that uses $mircdirquotes.txt, then it will write to the quotes.txt file in the same directory as mirc.exe.

Now if someone uses the same path $micdir it overwrites it? Of course, so use $scriptdir and the scripts folder?

If my script is in the scripts directory and it uses $scriptdirquotes.txt and another script is in the scripts directory and uses $scriptdirquotes.txt, it will overwrite the same file.

If someone is so worried about this they can make another directory or use a myriad of other solutions to secure the validity of their file.

Personally I use neither though I guess it's $mircdir by default.

The idea that there is one and only one way to do anything in mIRC is horribly inaccurate.

And lastly,

What does this have to do with mysql.dll or where I put mysql.dll? If you read the readme.txt that comes with mysql.dll it will tell you that it will only work if the dll is in the same directory as mirc.exe.