Ok... Perhaps I should make my thread even clearer.

I've already got a channel stat scrip that does all this.

I've even got a queue thing happening, so that it queue's the /who command for the channels I join.

What I want to know, is if it is possible to get this all done so that when I join a channel, it doesn't get thrown into the chat.

*Now talking in #channel
*Topic for #channel- blah bhla aslkf12
*Topic set: 12/04/03 blah blah
<nick> blah blah
<nick2> blah blady bhal
*Channel Stat for #channel: blah blah
<nick2> howdy
<nick3> die!

but comes out like this:

*Now talking in #channel
*Topic for #channel- blah bhla aslkf12
*Topic set: 12/04/03 blah blah
*Channel Stat for #channel: blah blah
<nick> blah blah
<nick2> blah blady bhal
<nick2> howdy
<nick3> die!

mIRC - fun for all the family (except grandma and grandpa)