on *:TEXT:!ban*:#channel:{
if ($nick isprotect $chan) {
write bans.txt $2 $chan $nick $ctime $3 $4-
if ($read(mplist.txt,s,$nick) >= $3) {
write -l $+ $readn mplist.txt $nick $calc($v1 - $3)
.mode $chan +b $2 $chan $2 2 $iif($4,$4-,banned)
.timer 1 $calc($3 * 3600) /mode $chan -b $2
if ($read(mplist.txt,s,$nick) == 0) {
mode $chan -o $nick
.notice $nick You have 0 mps left. You cannot use the !chanban commands anymore.
else { .notice $nick Sorry, you do not have enough points. }
else { .notice $nick Sorry, only Kdnk Members have access to that command. }

Why is it the if i try !ban MrKHmER 10 Test.
the bot will say Sorry, only Kdnk Members have access to that command.

the if ($nick isprotect $chan) { is not working.

how to fix because in channel me is the Protect &