gott a little problem, i made some code for sending the current logfile when an op sez a specific text in the channel, if someone else tries it, and they arent an op, then a warning is supposed to go to the channel, but no warning is being sent, here is my code:

 on *:TEXT:$me send current log:#speaker's_corner:{
  if ($nick ISOP $chan) {
    msg $nick 8,1Preparing to send the current log, please stand by...  
    copy c:\stat-triv\logs\phazenet\#speaker's_corner. $+ $asctime(yyyymm) $+ 01.log c:\stat-triv\logs\phazenet\#speaker's_corner. $+ $asctime(yyyymm) $+ 01.for_ $+ $nick $+ .log
    .timersendlog $+ $nick 1 5 dcc send $nick c:\stat-triv\logs\phazenet\#speaker's_corner. $+ $asctime(yyyymm) $+ 01.for_ $+ $nick $+ .log
  else msg $chan 8,1Warning: $nick Does NOT have the correct privilages to reguest a log send of the current log

can someone see where i am screwing up?

keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keekĀ·ing, keeks
To peek; peep.