I still hope someone can help just tiny bit here, got it changed alot now, using a £gettok parser to find whatever i need.
Php Code:

alias parser { 
return $gettok($gettok($1,-3,$asc(<)),2,$asc(>)) }

alias mpuktf2 {
  if ($sock(mpuktf2)) { sockclose mpuktf2 }
  sockopen mpuktf2 tf2.multiplay.co.uk 80
  set %chan $chan
  set %playerid $1-
  set %host_url /hlstats/hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&player= $+ %playerid

on *:SOCKOPEN:mpuktf2: {
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %host_url HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: tf2.multiplay.co.uk
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

on *:sockread:mpuktf2: {
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  var %x
  sockread %x
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%x == $null) return
  goto nextread
  if (*Rank:* iswm %x) {
	echo -a %chan Rank: $parser(%x)
  sockclose mpuktf2

But this still doesn't seem to work as intented.
If i put the if before the goto nextread, i echoes:
Rank: Rank:
But no rank what so ever, it just wont get that number for me.
Any hints?