Basically, i've written a script to update a counter once daily, once the IRC timestamp reaches the hour of 12 midnight -1 am.

I didn't know any way to fire this automatically, so I included it in an On:TEXT which is fired pretty often in the channel i use.

Only thing is though, the script doesn't seem to work. Would be much appreciated if you could lend a hand/suggest a way to improve it

It's basically a calender script using a custom calender for a game. The counter for %day is supposed to reset to 1 after 30, etc.
the %updated was how I figured was best to stop it from firing repeatedly

if (updated==0){
  if (0: isin $time)
  if (%day == 30) set %day 1
  /msg $chan %month %day , %year  

  %day = %day + 1
  set -u3600 %updated 1


Last edited by C8889; 21/08/08 12:00 AM.