If you try his suggestion of using aliases, you'll be amazed how much clutter you thin out. Another example of repeated text he said to consolidate to an alias is:

/echoall $me >>> New°>> US.Reality.DVDRiP.XviD->> %tvshow First Sighted on >> $+ %source $+ < }

It looks like those are all identical except for the section right after "US.Reality.", so make an alias for it-

alias first.seen {
/echoall $me >>> New°>> US.Reality. $+ $1 $+ .XviD->> %tvshow First Sighted on >> $+ %source $+ < }

That you would call instead with: $first.seen(DVDRiP)

As for shortening your code, it looks to me like all your if/else/elseif's are sections of code doing the same thing, except for changing 1 portion of the message string. If this is correct, you can simplify by using the if/else/else to set the value of a variable, then have only 1 snippet doing the read/writes, and substituting the variable where needed within that shared section.