Not tested but it must/will function wink .

If ($1 == !quotefind) || ($1 == !qfind) {
  If (!$2) { .Msg $chan Insufficient parameters. Syntax: $1 <matchword> | Return }
  Var %l = $lines(quotes.txt) , %m = 1 , %n = 0
  While (%m <= %l) {
    If ($2- iswm $read(quotes.txt,%m)) {
      Inc %n | Tokenize 92 $v2
      .Timer 1 %n .Msg $chan 04 $+ $chr(91) Quote $1 $chr(93) $+  $2
      .Timer 1 %n .Msg $chan LineNumber: %m 4Submitted by12: $3 4Rated12: $4
    Inc %m
  If (%n == 0) { .Notice $nick $qt($2-) was not found in the quote database. }
  Else { Echo -ast %n quotes were found matching $qt($2-) }


Edit: I knew I included the line number (%m) but because of some unknown bug, it was not showing here. I changed the disposition now hoping it displays correctly henceforth. Thanks Horstl ^^.

Last edited by TropNul; 05/12/07 06:09 AM.
