Here is my first long math code. It is for addition because I figured I would start with the easiest operator first. Also, the long addition operator may be needed for the other long operations.

alias math+ {
  ;$1=A, $2=B
  ; A+B=C
  var %a = $gettok($1,1,46), %b = $gettok($2,1,46)
  var %y = $gettok($1,2,46), %z = $gettok($2,2,46)
  var %c = $null, %r = 0, %w = 0
  if ($len(%a) < $len(%b)) %a = $str(0,$calc($v2 - $v1)) $+ %a
  elseif ($len(%b) < $len(%a)) %b = $str(0,$calc($v2 - $v1)) $+ %b
  if ($len(%y) < $len(%z)) %y = %y $+ $str(0,$calc($v2 - $v1))
  elseif ($len(%z) < $len(%y)) %z = %z $+ $str(0,$calc($v2 - $v1))
  var %i = $len(%y), %ii = 0
  while (%i > %ii) {
    %w = $calc($mid(%y,%i,1) + $mid(%z,%i,1) + %r)
    %c = $+($right(%w,1),%c)
    %r = $left(%w,-1)
    dec %i
  if (%c > 0) %c = $+(.,%c)
  var %i = $len(%a), %ii = 0
  while (%i > %ii) {
    %w = $calc($mid(%a,%i,1) + $mid(%b,%i,1) + %r)
    %c = $+($right(%w,1),%c)
    %r = $left(%w,-1)
    dec %i
  if (%r > 0) %c = $+(%r,%c)
  return %c

//echo -a $math+(<long number>,<long number>)

Note: Supports decimals
Note: Does NOT support negative numbers (yet).
