Originally Posted By: ZoDiaC
on 1:quit: {
.say #chaco-corrientes ZoD|aC script ®2008 scriptFoundation }

Well, #1, You've got 2 }'s. If you're trying to actually say } in the message, I'd suggest using $chr(125) instead of }

From what I'm seeing, you can't send a message to a channel on quit. What I'd suggest is in your aliases create a line that says /quit /msg #chaco-corrientes Zod|aC script ®2008 scriptFoundation | quit
This is if you're trying to send a message to #chaco-corrientes of course.
If you're trying to say that message prefixed with #chaco-corrientes, then you'd use /quit /say #chaco-corrientes Zod|aC script ®2008 scriptFoundation | quit
If you're trying to exit by using the X button on the top right hand corner, I'd say there pretty much isn't anything you can do. I could be wrong, I havent messed with on quit much. :x