Greetings, it seems there are several issues regarding the /write command.

It seems that mIRC really slow down then you do the /write command on a large text file. When I had a file that was 15,000 kb (roughly 15 MB), my mIRC was just incredibly slow, and had to Ctrl Break infinitely until I stopped the seen script for a year. Over the year I went about editing the code, to make it more fast and efficient. Still no luck

Then, I decided to delete the seen.txt file and start over on a completely new sheet. Then, everything went back to normal.

Now I'm at about 7,000 kb (half as original), so my mIRC often has a heartbeat of pausing seconds.

I think a lot of the problem has to do with /write -il1.

/write -il1 inserts text to the 1st line, and moves it down, whereas /write just adds the text to the end of the file.

It seems that /write is much faster.

My theory is, /write -il1 inserts text to the 1st line, then moves the preceding text to the 2nd line, the preceding 2nd line text to the 3rd line, all the way until all the thousands of lines are moved down 1 line, just so the 1st line is added.

After hearing my mIRC go slow with pauses, I decided to remove the -il1 in /write -il1 to see if it made any difference. It seemed it did.

So if /write -il1 just, moves the last line 1 step down, the 2nd last line 1 step down, all the way until the 1st line moves to the 2nd line, then adds the next text to the 1st line, then, well, that's way too slow.

A faster and more efficient way is to just go to the 1st line, press Enter, then add the text to the 1st line for /write -il1. Of course, I don't know if that's possible...

And is my theory correct about the /wrile -il1?


I kind of wanted to cut the file in half but then, highlighting from the bottom up is very very slow for the thousands of lines the page has.

The reason I want:


Instead of..


In seen.txt is because $read() works from top down, making it faster to find the recent text than the old (text1 is old, text100 is new).

So if I wanted to do the latter, I'd like mIRC to be able to $read() a file from the bottom up, which I didn't think was possible unless I while looped I guess.

And I was wondering if mIRC (like it can with it's logging functions), trim a file.txt to most amount of lines or bytes so the file.txt doesn't go infinitely forever big.

In a way, I'd like to be able to save the last 5 text of everyone in seen.txt, so if someone knew a scripting way to /write -d the 6th text if there are already 5, that would be great, thanks.
