Ok, figured it out now that I could test it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

on *:start: {
  hmake TopScores 100
  if ($isfile($scriptdir\topscores.hsh)) { hload TopScores $qt($scriptdir\topscores.hsh) }

on *:text:!addpoint & &:#: {
  if ($nick isop $chan && $3 isnum) {
    hadd TopScores $2 $calc($hget(TopScores,$2) + $3)
    .notice $nick Added $3 points to $2 $+ .
  hsave TopScores $qt($scriptdir\topscores.hsh)

on *:text:!delpoint & &:#: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ($3 isnum) {
      hadd TopScores $2 $iif($calc($hget(TopScores,$2) - $3) >= 0,$v1,0)
      .notice $nick Subtracted $3 points from $2 $+ .
    elseif ($3 == all) {
      hadd TopScores $2 0
      .notice $nick Removed ALL points from $2 $+ .
    hsave TopScores $qt($scriptdir\topscores.hsh)

on *:text:!top5:#: {
  if (%Top5.fld) { return }
  set -u10 %Top5.fld On
  hsave -n TopScores hash.tmp
  filter -ffcuten 2 32 hash.tmp hash.tmp
  var %cnt = 1, %points
  var %total = $hget(TopScores,0).item
  while (%cnt <= %total) {
    inc %points $hget(TopScores,%cnt).data
    inc %cnt
  var %cnt = 1
  while (%cnt <= 5) {
    var %data = $read(hash.tmp,%cnt)
    msg $chan $hget(TopScores,$gettok(%data,1,32)).item is 1/ $+ %points with $gettok(%data,2,32) points
    inc %cnt
  .remove hash.tmp

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