Not directly, but you can use set to do it in a cmd file (Note: this is not mIRCs /set wink)

Try this
alias set.compat {
  [color:gray];set the compatabilty layer for the app[/color]
  write -c oldapp.cmd set __COMPAT_LAYER=Win98
  [color:gray]; start the app, the /w switch means to wait for it to end[/color]
  write oldapp.cmd start /w "" $qt($mircexe)
  [color:gray]; delete cmd file after the app closes[/color]
  write oldapp.cmd del $(%0,0)
  [color:gray]; run the cmd. file[/color]
  run -h oldapp.cmd

Type this in the second mIRC when it starts //echo -a $os

Heres the codes for the layers
set __COMPAT_LAYER=Win95
set __COMPAT_LAYER=Win98
set __COMPAT_LAYER=Win2000
set __COMPAT_LAYER=256Color
set __COMPAT_LAYER=640x480
set __COMPAT_LAYER=DisableThemes
set __COMPAT_LAYER=International

SET __COMPAT_LAYER=LayerName1 [layerName2] [layerName3]...

And to disable the compatibility layer(s) after applying them.
(This isn't needed in this context, but if you were working with a more complex batch file you would use it after running the app.)

You can also do this by
//run -n cmd.exe /c set __COMPAT_LAYER=Win95&& $qt($mircexe)

Last edited by deegee; 19/10/06 11:39 AM.