on *:start: {
  [color:green]; This will 'fire' at 9:28 but then wait till 9:30:10 before actually executing the checkdate alias[/color]
  .timerchristmas 9:28 1 130 checkdate
alias checkdate {
  [color:green]; check the date has reached the target date, if not, reset timer for tomorrow[/color]
  if $date(mmdd) < 1017 {  .timerchristmas -o 9:28 1 130 checkdate }
  else {
    [color:green]; the target date has been reached[/color]
    [color:green]; check if you are an op and able to change topic[/color]
    if $me isop #Kichigaijimata { topic #Kichigaijimata look at me mommy! I can change topic! Yaaaaay!!! }
    [color:green]; if not recheck in an hour[/color]
    else .timerchristmas -o 1 3600 checkdate

Edited and redited, to fix sloppy formatting.. LOL

Last edited by deegee; 17/10/06 08:30 AM.