I am pretty new to mIRC so i may be out of place on this part of the forum. But i still would like to make a few suggestions.

1: It would be nice to have something like an identifier that would pause a script from executing for a given amount of time. It came to me when i was scripting from an ON JOIN event and wanted to check the status of the nick in the channel. now since noone has a status on and on join i used an alias to get round it. but it would be nice to have something that will pause a script for a given amount of time and then check the IF statements etc.

2: It would be nice to have something like an ON *:PROTECT:#: mIRC has everything eg on voice,on op ,on help etc even on owner why not somethink for a +a i am aware that ON mode exists but i still think it would be a nice addition

3:i also think it would be great if there was an auto hide option on the menu bar at the top so only if one would hover ones mouse over it then it would show up. I really do think it would improve the GUI that some people find reason to complain about.

I am aware that all the above is scriptable even the last with the right DLL's etc

