I'm doing this from memory since I am not at home, but it's pretty simple, so this should be close to what I use.

on @*:join:#: {
  if ($left($nick,-2) isalpha && $right($nick,2) isnum && $read(banexceptions.txt,w,$nick) == $null) {
    ban -ku300 $chan $nick 2 -=SPAM DETECTION=-
    .notice $nick You have been automatically kicked as being a possible bot or clone.  If you are a real user, msg $me with this command: !realuser $chan
on *:text:!realuser &:?: {
  if ($me isop $2) {
    mode $2 $nick -b $address($2,2)
  write banexceptions.txt $nick

It's not quite what I have, but it should be close. Anyhow, this automatically kicks anyone with a 2 digit number after their nick and they have only letters in front of it. It will also notice the person with how to get back in and will add their nick to an exceptions list if they type the command.

Note that because I'm not at home, I haven't tested this, but it should work unless I've made a stupid mistake somewhere. smile

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