By reading your post I didn't quite understood what you did, so I thought I should test it myself. I got about half of the nicks as "Trouble IP" and half as "Flood bots". The only one that did not return any .info was X (Undernet network).


PS: Digging a bit deeper I found some weird stuff. That behaviour differs if it's the nick/userid/host part that there is stated. For example, if I am Zyzzyx26!test@

6:*!*test*@* Trouble IP
6:*!*@123*. Flood bots
6:*26!@*@* Swearing

Running that line you posted above, I get different results depending on what mask I use in the userlist.

Last edited by Zyzzyx26; 14/08/06 12:35 AM.

"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon