sorry, it must as follows loud:

alias button {
dialog -mdr button button

dialog button {
title "Laden..."
size 350 250 300 150
button "Laden...", 10, 20 20 250 100, multi

on *:DIALOG:button:init:0: {
mdx SetMircVersion $version
mdx MarkDialog button $dialog(button).hwnd
mdx SetControlMDX 10 autoplay center > $ctlgen

did -a button 10 open $scriptdir $+ filecopy.avidid -a button 10 play

when I want to run the script with /button, i can only see the dialog with a button (not animation) and an error message:

ERROR MDXE4 Plug-in "ctl_gen.mdx" does not offer a control named "autoplay"

ERROR MDXE4 Plug-in "ctl_gen.mdx" does not offer a control named "center"

It doesn't work frown

Greets, Mathias