 dialog whois {
  title "Whois System"
  size -1 -1 140 155
  option dbu
  button "Quitter", 1, 52 137 37 12, ok cancel
  text "Pseudo :", 2, 4 10 25 8
  text "User@Host :", 3, 4 21 33 8
  text "Nom :", 4, 4 32 17 8
  text "Canal :", 5, 4 88 20 8
  text "Serveur :", 6, 4 43 25 8
  text "Idle :", 7, 4 55 15 8
  text "Away :", 8, 4 66 25 8
  text "Status User :", 9, 4 78 33 8
  box "Whois ...", 10, 1 0 137 135
  edit "", 11, 37 9 97 10, read autohs
  edit "", 12, 37 20 97 10, read autohs 
  edit "", 13, 37 31 97 10, read autohs 
  edit "", 14, 37 42 97 10, read autohs 
  edit "", 15, 37 54 97 10, read autohs 
  edit "", 16, 37 65 97 10, read autohs 
  edit "", 17, 37 77 97 10, read autohs 
  list 18, 37 88 95 41,  sort size extsel vsbar
on *:dialog:whois:init:0:{ 
  did -a whois 11 %whois.nickname 
  did -a whois 12 %whois.user@host 
  did -a whois 13 $remove(,,,,) 
  did -a whois 14 %whois.server  
  did -a whois 15 %whois.idle 
  did -a whois 16 $remove(%whois.away,,,,)
  did -a whois 17 %whois.status
  did -a whois 18 %whois.channels  
  if ($group(#whois).status == on) { did -u whois 19 } 
  else { did -c whois 19 } 

on *:dialog:whois:sclick:1:{ 
  unset %whois.* 

#whois on

; Away 
raw 301:*:{ 
  set %whois.away $3- 

; Identified? 

raw 307:*:{ 
  set %whois.identified yes 

; Nickname, User@Host, Name 

raw 311:*:{ 
  set %whois.nickname $2 
  set %whois.user@host $3 $+ @ $+ $4 
  set $6- 
  set %whois.status Normal User 
  unset %whois.away 

raw 312:*:{ 
  set %whois.server $3 

; IRCop 

raw 313:*:{ 
  set %whois.status mIRC Operator. 

; Idle time 

raw 317:*:{ 
  set %whois.idle $duration($calc($3),nn:ss))
; Channels 

raw 319:*:{ 
  set %whois.channels $3- 

; End of /WHOIS List 

raw 318:*:{ 
  if ($dialog(whois) == $null) { dialog -m whois whois } 
  else { 
    did -r whois 11 
    did -r whois 12 
    did -r whois 13 
    did -r whois 14 
    did -r whois 15 
    did -r whois 16 
    did -r whois 17 
    did -r whois 18 
    did -a whois 11 %whois.nickname 
    did -a whois 12 %whois.user@host 
    did -a whois 13 $remove(,,,,) 
    did -a whois 14 %whois.server
    did -a whois 15 %whois.idle 
    did -a whois 16 $remove(%whois.away,,,,) 
    did -a whois 17 %whois.status
    did -a whois 18 %whois.channels  
#whois end 

; Popups 

menu channel { 
  &Whois System. 
  .&Activate:{ .enable #whois } 
  .&Disactivate:{ .disable #whois } 

I got a prob, this is a whois system i made.
The probleme is , i whant to have all the chan like this on the Chan part:
I also whant when i double click on one chan, it go on the chan wink
i try everything i can, exepte the gode one frown