frown Not working. In case I've done something wrong, here's the on dialog event for that part as I currently have it.
 on *:dialog:Channel_Control:sclick:1004,2004,304:{
  did -r $dname 1006,2006,306
  did -c $dname 1004,2004,304 $did($did).sel
  .scon %cid
  set %chan $did($did).seltext
  did -ra $dname 1018 $strip($chan(%chan).topic)
  did -z $dname 1018
  var %a = 1, %b = $nick(%chan,0)
  while %a <= %b {
    did -a $dname 1006,2006,306 $nick(%chan,%a)
    inc %a
This works fine with the exception of the dialog scroll bar for ID 1018