thats becuase your using the second script i told you to use
this was becuase I couldnt see the mistake in the first one, so i had it dumping the rawdata as well as a nicely formated one, i expected with seeing the raw data i would have spotted what was wrong, it was however a simple typo in missing the t in gettok, so with that said, you simply needed to return to the first script and repear the getok to gettok, also since i see you wanted the status window, so this should do ya

CTCP *:DCC SEND*:?:{ echo -st ATTENTION: $nick is sending you a file called $nopath($filename) from $longip($gettok($1-,-3,32)) ip. }

PS: if u dont want the time inclused then change "echo -st" to "echo -s" in the above.