ive been trying to connect to the server irc.scoobynet.org but everytime i try to connect to the server it tell me that I am Unauthorized to connect to the server :

* Connecting to irc.scoobynet.org (6667)
-aphrodite.paranoianet.com- *** If you are having problems connecting due to ping timeouts, please type /quote pong A9B49067 or /raw pong A9B49067 now.
Closing Link: [Marine3084][] (You are not authorized to connect to this server)
* Disconnected

Ive had that problem before and then I emailed admin about it and they added me or something and then I was able to join, but now I am unable to again... Can someone please help me out, it would be appreciated... thnx
my email is devildog3084@yahoo.com