The sample I made doesn't require that the client have the second portion installed.. the backlog would just be displayed in the bot's query window, where it could still be read easily.

I only made the on TEXT event, but the on ACTION/JOIN/MODE/PART/QUIT/KICK/etc events would be basically identical.

I wasn't aware of the 16bit /write -d bug, so there some sort of preventative measures might need to be taken, such as keeping track of how many lines have been deleted, and when a certain number has been reached, store the log in a temp file, delete the log file, and then rename the temp file to the log file name.

I made the script to specifically handle one channel. The same bot could handle multiple channels just by adding the $chan name to the variable and logfile names, %last. [ $+ [ $nick ] $+ . $+ [ $chan ] ] and logfile. $+ $chan .

The bot should never get flooded off as long as the bot has its flood protection enabled, since /play goes through it. The delay on the /play command could be adjusted to get the data transferred in the minimum length of time, although as it is, it sends 25 lines in 2.5 seconds with a 100ms delay. 2.5s is significantly shorter than having to ask the other chatters what you missed.
