This might work for you:

on *:ERROR:*lined*:{
  if (!$regex(error,$1-,/\/EXP:\d+-\d+-\d+@(\d\d?):(\d\d?)\//)) return
  var %h = $calc(($regml(error,1) + 1) % 24)
  var %m = $calc(($regml(error,2) + 5) % 60)
  .timerreconnect -o $+(%h,:,%m) 1 1 server

It should work no matter where the time information is located, as long as it has the format /EXP:####-##-##@##-##/. It reads the 1-2 digits of the hour and 1-2 digits of the minutes (in case of weird formatting), adds 1 hour and 5 minutes, then sets a timer for that time.
