1. Tab focusing - an absolute pain in the ass. It'll move to last usedtab upon closing your current one. Imagine you have been spammed with two convos. You click to first, close it, and mirc will jump to last used(channel) and I have to click again, on second spam to close it watching for misclicks (and parting mian channel). Now imagine the same with 15 spams. Try to stay calm.
How can I change it to more sane behaviour?
2. NickServ support. Every worthwhile network uses it(with the same pattern!).
How can I easily automate it?
3. Nicks with multiple networks. Example: I'm on network A and B. I changed nick to JoeTF|AFK to "JoeTF" on network A. I changed tab focus to network B. Bloody Mirc reversed the change for network A, what's worse - after restart it keept JoeTF|AFK as a default nick for all networks!
How can I fix it?

I would be moast thankful if you could provide me with information how to set those things in mircconfig, or with *tiny* scripts that would fix them. I really don't want to install some super mega monster script to fix tab focusing, especially that it would probablyconflits with scripts I already use.
