/help on START
/help on CONNECT
/help /server

on *:START:{
  server ser.ver.net -j #channel1,#channel2,#channel3
  server -m ser.ver.com -j #mIRC,#Help,#channel4
  server -m EFnet -i UmpaLumpa WillyW` -j #ChocolateFactory
  server -m QuakeNet -i OompaLoompa WillyWonka willy@wonka.com Everlasting Gobstoppers -j #ChocolateFactory
on *:CONNECT:{
  if ($network == VerNet) || ($network == VerCom) {
    .ignore -r

This event will automatically connect you to 4 networks when you first start mIRC. It will join #channel1, #channel2 and #channel3 on the first network connection you create (ser.ver.net) after it connects.

When you get connected on the second connection (ser.ver.com), it will join #mIRC, #Help and #channel4 on that network. Also, when those two networks get connected, the on CONNECT event will fire and perform the commands listed under their if condition.

When you are connecting to EFnet on the third connection, it will try to use UmpaLumpa as your primary nick on EFnet and WillyW` as your alternate nick; once connected it will automagically join #ChocolateFactory.

Finally, when you are connecting to QuakeNet, you'll be using OompaLoompa and WillyWonka as your primary and alternate nicks, willy@wonka.com as your emailaddr for that connection and Everlasting Gobstoppers as your Full Name for that connection. Once connected using either of those two nicks (or giving you the /nick command if both are in use), it will join #ChocolateFactory.

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C