Ok, I have my bot checking to see if a users hostmask matches any entries in the data\ignorelist.db file. If the hostmask matches the entries, the bot ignores them. Like so:

  if ($nick == $me) { halt }
  set %ignorelines $lines(data\ignorelist.db)
  set %t 1
  while (%t <= %ignorelines) {
    tokenize 32 $gettok($read(data\ignorelist.db,%t),1,32)
    if ($1 iswm $fulladdress) { halt }
    inc %t

Now the problem is, is that I dont want it checking via *$hostmask* , like the iswm command does. i want it to only check via where the wildcard entries are. Like say theres an entry for *@a12*msn*.com. I want it to match a123msn2.com to that instead of matchin ba123msn2.com to it, like iswm would do.

Is there anyway to do that?