Hello smile.
Here is my little code!.
on 1:TEXT:*Train*:#chan:{ 
  If ($ritems($nick,Items,BuildPoints) <= 0) { notice $nick 4You Dont Have Any Build Points  | halt }
  if ($2 == Hp) || ($2 == Ki) {
    set %to.train T $+ $2
    if ($stats($nick,Stats,%to.train) == $null) { halt } 
    set %time $round($calc((10 * 60) / $stats($nick,Stats,Intelligence) + 120),0)
    /timer $+ $nick $+ training $+ $2 -o 1 %time set %train $stats($nick,Stats,%to.train)
    /timer $+ $nick $+ training $+ $2 -o 1 %time inc %train 1
    /timer $+ $nick $+ training $+ $2 -o 1 %time wini $nick Stats %To.Train %Train
    var %Bp = $ritems($nick,Items,BuildPoints)
    dec %Bp 1
    witems $nick Items BuildPoints %Bp
    notice $nick 12Congratulations!10 Your $2 Training Will be done in3 %Time Secs
    /.timer $+ $nick $+ Training -o 1 %time notice $nick 4Congratulations!10 You are done training Your $2
  if ($2 == $2)  {
    if ($stats($nick,Stats,$2) == $null) { halt }
    set %to.train $2
    set %time $round($calc((10 * 60) / $stats($nick,Stats,Intelligence) + 120),0)
    /timer $+ $nick $+ training $+ $2 -o 1 %time set %train $stats($nick,Stats, $+ %to.train $+ )
    /timer $+ $nick $+ training $+ $2 -o 1 %time inc %train 1
    /timer $+ $nick $+ training $+ $2 -o 1 %time wini $nick Stats %to.train %train
    var %Bp = $ritems($nick,Items,BuildPoints)
    dec %bp 1
    witems $nick Items BuildPoints %Bp
    notice $nick 12Congratulations!10 Your $2 Training Will be done in3 %Time Secs
    /.timer $+ $nick $+ Training -o 1 %time notice $nick 4Congratulations!10 You are done training Your $2
  else { notice $nick 4ERROR!12 $2 10cannot be trained | halt }

* Timer digitaltrainingspeed activated
* Timer digitaltrainingspeed activated
* Timer digitaltrainingspeed activated

The timer shows that its working but it doesn't Inc %train at all