I need Flood Protection

I use a very nice routine I got once from Dalnet. You can use this to detect all kinds of floods, including the kind of joinflood you describe.

alias isflood {
;Call this identifier each time you want to check if there is a flood, for example
;on *:JOIN:*: if ($isflood(joinflood,5,3)) { mode # +i }

; $1 - name eg "joinflood"
; $2 - times (in how many seconds)
; $3 - seconds

;If not enough parameters, return
if (!$3) return

var %v = $chr(37) $+ isflood. $+ $1

;If the var doesnt exist
if !$(%v,2) {

;Set it to 1
set $(-u $+ $3,2) $(%v,1) 1

else {
;Else increment the var
inc $(%v,1)
;If the var is more than or equal to what you specified (times)
if $(%v,2) >= $2 {

;Unset the variable so it doesnt continually return true
unset $(%v,1)

return $true

; If it is not triggered return false
return $false