Cloning is naughty, generally speaking. Since most networks allow three connections per IP I'll tell you that you simply boot mIRC a second or third time.

HOWEVER!!! If you are thinking of using this system to be a script kiddie and generate war clones forget it.

1. Computers find it hard to handle more than a few mIRCs running. You'll use and waste literally hundreds of MB's even attempting this.

2. You'll get yourself and perhaps your ISP banned from the networks you try this on before you get very far. Most servers have a bot to count connections and nail them all after a preset limit (Usually three).

3. The old trick of using one mIRC as a feeder of ON JOIN events to an adbot outside the channel is old and quite easily traceable. Once a channel host grasses on you to an oper it's as easy as /who *adbot' then /akill *@adbot'

4. Then the owner of the adbot would say "I just got banned for nothing - I want to complain" and they would probably repeat the same sob-story here, etc etc etc, mind you, without getting much in the way of sympathy.

5. In short, if you want it just to run your own channel bot as a seperate connection then that's fine (I don't automatically view those seeking advice on this as those using the information with bad intentions), but if you want to do bad things with it, take this advice from an oper (me) and don't bother. It's just a waste of time.