Here's your working example:

on me*:join:#: {
set %t $chan
//echo -a 1Current Channel:2 %t
//echo -a 1Today is:2 $fulldate
//echo -a 1Nicks on Channel:2 $nick(%t,0)
//echo -a 1Total Ops:2 $nick(%t,0,o)
//echo -a 1Total Voiced:2 $nick(%t,0,v)
unset %t

That will trigger ONLY for you and nobody else smile You could also do this:

on me*:join:#: {
var %t $chan
//echo -a 1Current Channel:2 %t
//echo -a 1Today is:2 $fulldate
//echo -a 1Nicks on Channel:2 $nick(%t,0)
//echo -a 1Total Ops:2 $nick(%t,0,o)
//echo -a 1Total Voiced:2 $nick(%t,0,v)

Using /var instead of /set will unset the variable once the script halts. The advantage is if you want to clear the variable, it will do it WITHOUT using the /unset command

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it