At the moment i'm dealing with large text files & I use the loadbuf command to load up a file I want to examine into a Dialog List (which is a feature of an text editor i'm working on)

What I find is that if a file is particularly large, say 50000 lines, it will freeze the mirc for quite some time , 30+ seconds

On the other hand when I do the same thing & load it into a custom @window there doesn't seem to be that freezing.

Can anyone help me get rid of this freeze. I don't particularly want to discard my dialog list.

Is there another way of loading up files into the dialog list that doesn't cause this freezing? Alternatively, if it's a non-fix situation, is there anyway I can incorporate a @window to essentially replace the dialog List, and not have it as a floating window but rather a part of the editor.

Note: I don't want to use dll's for this but was wondering if there was a scripting solution