I have this script on mIRC, that I used to use, but now can't figure out how it used to work, or if somethign was changed in mIRC making it not work anymore. COuld yous help me? Script is:

 alias dandaman {
  tokenize 32 $1-
  var %c, %i 0, %n $0, %s, %t, %leetness 3
  while (%i < %n) {
    inc %i
    %t = $ [ $+ [ %i ] ]
    %c = 0
    if ($rand(1,%leetness) == 1) { %t = $replace(%t,a,4,e,3,i,1,t,7,o,0) | inc %c }
    if ($rand(1,%leetness) == 1) { if ($len(%t) > 3) { %t = $+(%t,eh) | inc %c | if (%c > 1) goto enough } }
    if ($rand(1,%leetness) == 1) { %t = $replace(%t,d,|},l,|_,n,|\|,w,\/\/,y,`/) | inc %c | if (%c > 1) goto enough }
    if ($rand(1,%leetness) == 1) { %t = $+($upper($left(%t,1)),$right(%t,-1)) | inc %c | if (%c > 1) goto enough }
    if ($rand(1,%leetness) == 1) { %t = $upper(%t) | inc %c }
    %s = %s %t
  if ($rand(1,%leetness) == 1) { %s = $+(%s,!!!) }
  return %s