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I'm using mIRC 6.12. Since I upgraded to this version, I cannot receive DCCs. I receive the 'notice' containing the filename and the IP sender, but the 'Accep/Ignore/Cancel' window does not open, etheir for DCC CHAT or SEND.

I've already cleaned my ignore list typing /ignore -r and I've already disabled all ignore in the ALT+O menu.

I use a dial-up connection and I'm trying to send to myself a .TXT file, that is not ignored by default by mIRC our my network.

Any suggestions ? Is that a bug ?

Thank you for the attention,

KurtKraut @ BRASnet (us.brasnet.org)
Typing /ignore -r won't necessarily completely clean your ignore list, depending on what switches and servers were set initially. Go there using Alt+B, select the Control tab, and pull down the list to open Ignore.

You might be surprised to see some things there.
Good catch laugh /ignore -r clears only ignores you've set on the current network. To remove the whole list, use /ignore -rw.
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