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Posted By: jdp DCC Chat (=nickname) bug - 03/09/03 05:33 AM
I have two eggdrop bots on separate networks that I connect to via a dcc chat but they share the same nickname. When I try sending a command to the bot on the 2nd connection via the "/msg =botname command" it will always go to the dcc chat on the first connection. Even when I use "/scon 2 msg =botname command" it does the same thing.

I just tested it out by /dccchat'ting myself on both networks and I guess it will just always associate =nickname with the first dcc chat connection that was made. I know the dcc chats in question are associated with the networks they are on though (a simple /whois through the dcc chat proves that) before someone thinks that is all that is the matter here.
Posted By: codemastr Re: DCC Chat (=nickname) bug - 03/09/03 07:12 PM
The problem is, a DCC chat is not associated with an scid. DCC is independent of a server. If you DCC chat someone, then disconnect from the IRC server, the dcc chat can continue. I'd still say it is a bug, but the solution to it won't work as you suggested.
Posted By: jdp Re: DCC Chat (=nickname) bug - 03/09/03 07:42 PM
Ah okay. I thought it didn't do that on 6.03 but I just tried and it did it on there too. But yeah, I can't think of any way how to work around this little problem so I would say it is a bug indeed.
Posted By: Kevin_b_er Re: DCC Chat (=nickname) bug - 14/12/03 04:37 AM
Actually codemastr, you're only half right.
Each DCC window had a definate cid associated with it.

I demonstrated this quite simply using $chat(nick).cid
Don't make me do a live demonstration of this...
And if you want to argue about identical nicks, I can easily do $chat(nick,1).cid and $chat(nick,2).cid and have them report respectivly.

The problem, however, is that there is no way to control which window a msg =nick goes to. There's also another problem with two dcc chats open to the same nick on the same connection. you can only communicate with the 1st one via /msg...

So, yes, this is a BUG.

What would be ideal, is to be able to message to dcc based on wid, but I'd settle for choosing it based on the the N in $chat(nick,N). Just so long as we can distingish two dccs with same nick, and same nicks on different servers.

Posted By: Kevin_b_er Re: DCC Chat (=nickname) bug - 14/12/03 04:41 AM
Actually, using 6.12 I successfully did scid 5 and did a /msg =nick that worked perfectly...

Thus, perhaps 6.03 didn't that strong of cid sepration between each dcc window...

Still can't msg a 2nd dcc window on the same connection, however.
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