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Posted By: Raccoon /hop [message] bug, or clarification needed. - 13/10/21 12:39 PM
/hop [-cn] [#channel] [message]

Parts the current channel and joins a new one. If no new channel is specified, it parts and rejoins the current channel without closing the window.

The -c switch cycles the specified channel by parting and rejoining it.

The -n switch minimizes the channel window.

Behavior: When the -c switch is omitted, the [message] parameter is ignored. It is only sent when -c is present.
Expected behavior: A part-message is sent to the server whenever a message parameter is used.

The -c parameter means that the /hop command will only act upon an existing #channel window -- parting the channel and re-joining it -- otherwise a new #channel window will be created (same as /join).
Absence of the -c parameter means that the /hop command will only act upon the $active #channel window -- parting the active channel and joining (or re-joining) the channel specified in the command.

It doesn't seem congruent to only pass the part-message from the [message] parameter for the former, but not the latter.
Thanks for your bug report.

I just tested this using "/debug on" to see what is sent to the server and the part message is being sent both with and without -c.

Can you show me the format of the command you are using where it does not send the part message?
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