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Posted By: Wims $com issue - 31/08/20 12:41 PM
In this thread, kap tries to call the method 'load' of the object MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0, described here:

if ((!$com(XSL, load, 1, bstr, %xslt)) || ($comerr)) handle error

This code is not correct because the load method is not for literal string, rather for url, or others things.
Am i missing something, or shouldn't that code be setting $comerr all the time, rather than none of the time, as it is currently doing?
Posted By: Khaled Re: $com issue - 06/09/20 10:45 AM
Thanks for your bug report. I have not been able to run this script as it reports "Can't load XML information". That said, if the COM call fails, it should always set $comerr.
Posted By: kap Re: $com issue - 06/09/20 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Khaled
Thanks for your bug report. I have not been able to run this script as it reports "Can't load XML information". That said, if the COM call fails, it should always set $comerr.

I think you get that error message because I rescinded that API key.

Here's the same block of code, but with a (now) working key. As you can see, Khaled, Ouims is right in pointing out that something is not working as expected?

It's not detecting the error in the objStylesheet alias...

alias -l url_encode return $regsubex($1, /([\W\s])/Sg, $iif(\t == $chr(32), +, $+(%, $base($asc(\t), 10, 16, 2))))
alias objStylesheet {
  var %error, %xslt <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"><xsl:output method="text" indent="no" omit-xml-declaration="yes" /><xsl:template match="/">City: <xsl:value-of select="/current/city/@name" /> - Country: <xsl:value-of select="/current/city/country" /> - Temperature: <xsl:value-of select="/current/temperature/@value" /><xsl:value-of select="/current/temperature/@unit" /></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>
  if ($com(XSL)) .comclose XSL
  .comopen XSL MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0
  if ((!$com(XSL, async, 4, bool, false)) || ($comerr)) %error = Can't set async property on obj XSL
  if ((!$com(XSL, load, 1, bstr, %xslt)) || ($comerr)) %error = Can't load stylesheet information from ' $+ %xslt $+ '

  if ($error) %error = $v1 | reseterror
  if (%error) echo $color(info text) -ag %error
alias objWeather {
  var %error, %loc $url_encode($1-)
  var %api_url http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather
  ; Please specify your own api key below
  var %api_key 45ee6174666139e777e1d0fbc890137e
  ; You can specify units: `imperial`, `kelvin` and `metric`
  var %units metric
  var %page $+(%api_url,?q=,%loc,&units=,%units,&mode=xml,&appid=,%api_key)

  if ($com(XML)) .comclose XML
  .comopen XML MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0 
  if ((!$com(XML, async, 4, bool, false)) || ($comerr)) %error = Can't set async property on obj XML
  if ((!$com(XML, load, 1, bstr, %page)) || ($comerr)) %error = Can't load XML information from ' $+ %page $+ '

  if ($error) %error = $v1 | reseterror
  if (%error) echo $color(info text) -ag %error

alias t1 {
  objWeather Vlissingen,nl
  if ($com(XML, transformNode, 1, dispatch, XSL)) {
    echo -ag Succeeded - $com(XML).result
Posted By: Khaled Re: $com issue - 06/09/20 12:51 PM
Your first step should be to remove the $com() call from the /if statement, and assign its result to a variable, eg. var %result = $com(). You can then /echo result: %result comerr: $comerr afer the $com() call to see whether it is succeeding or failing. If the value returned by $com() is 1, this means that the call succeeded.
Posted By: FroggieDaFrog Re: $com issue - 06/09/20 02:05 PM
[Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0].load() does not report an error for non-url string arguments. It returns a boolean value if the load was successful or not. If loading was not successful it returns false so you simply need to check against $com(XSL).result after the call to detect a load failure:

if (!$com(XSL, load, 1, bstr, %xstl) || $comerr) {
  ; com related error
elseif (!$com(XSL).result) {
  ; load failed; you can dispatch parseError and check it's .reason property to get a plain text message as to why the load failed

I know it may seem like it would throw an error for a non-url input due to the page linked below mentioning E_INVALIDARGS but that error is only returned if the input type of load() is not of an applicable type

"Return Values
Boolean. Returns True if the load succeeded; False if the load failed."

An indicator of the source XML to parse. This may be an URL (String/BSTR), a Request object (in an ASP page), an IStream, SAFEARRAY of bytes (VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1), a DOMDocument object, or any object that supports IStream, ISequentialStream, or IPersistStream."

parseError members

In short this is not a bug in mIRC, but rather scripter error.
Posted By: kap Re: $com issue - 06/09/20 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by FroggieDaFrog
In short this is not a bug in mIRC, but rather scripter error.

Alright, cheers! Thank you for the information/break down SReject. :-)
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