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Posted By: Wims /window unfolds the root item in the treebar - 05/10/14 04:26 PM
When you use the treebar, if you fold the root item for that connection and you use /window (unsure if it's /window itself or certain switches), it will unfold the item.
Well I'm not a big fan of this behavior, I have a timer which periodically uses /window -g0 to remove the highlight colors of certain windows...
Is it possible to get /window -g (and possibly /window in general, I don't think it should do that in the first place) to not unfold the item?
I have not yet been able to reproduce this issue with /window -g. Can you provide a set of steps that reproduce this issue for you? There are a number of situations where a folder will unfold, for example if it contains a window that has been made active.
Yes, I use this alias:
alias resetcolor {
  var %a 1,%v
  while ($window(*,%a)) {
    %v = $v1
    if ($window(%v).type == status) window -g0 "status window"
    elseif (%v == channel) {
      if ($chan(%v).idle > 600) window -g0 %v
    inc %a
called from a timer (with /scon) when mIRC start (on start):
.timertb -o 0 8 titlebar Ram (used/total) : $!ram $(|) scon -a resetcolor
Just ignore the stuff for displaying the RAM here (I left the timer call as it is just in case)
Thanks I was able to reproduce this issue. It was specific to status windows where they were being unfolded incorrectly in some situations. This issue has been fixed for the next version.
Great =)
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