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For some reasons, on unrealircd, when you send for example: //mode #channel +l 4294911110, the irc server replies with: <- :Ouims!~Wims@host MODE #channel +l -56186
The titlebar updates fine with that negative number, as well as $chan(#channel).mode, however, the channel central will display the original value used, 4294911110.
If you hit the ok button of the channel central in this situation, mIRC will send -> hades.de.eu.SwiftIRC.net MODE #channel +l 2147483647, that number looks familiar grin

Tested on 7.32
Thanks this issue has been fixed for the next version. The channel central dialog was processing the limit value as a number (which seemed reasonable) and was performing sanity checking on it to make sure a user entered a valid value/range. However, it should not have been doing this as the client has no idea what the server considers a valid value/range in this case. The next version of mIRC will treat the limit value as plain text and will show exactly what the server has provided.

The issue with the server, where an integer overflow is caused by the invalid value/range you sent, will need to be resolved on the server side.
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