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Posted By: dakkar UTF-8-related problems - 28/09/07 09:16 PM

I am writing here because I found out some problems related to the use of UTF-8.

mIRC fails to save correctly the logs of channels having UTF-8 characters in their name: in the filename there are the single-byte characters. Anyway, it is still possible to see correctly the logs using a UTF-8-compatible editor.

mIRC shows on the main bar (and other bars, too) the single-bytes characters of channels formed using multi-byte characters. It could be a problem from the operating system, though, I still need to dig it out.

Sometimes, multi-byte characters are shown as single-byte ones by moving the nicklist.

UTF-8 is not supported in the scripts. At all.

UTF-8 is not fully supported by this forum, neither.

Best Regards,
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: UTF-8-related problems - 28/09/07 10:09 PM
As far as the forum goes, that's up to UBB to choose to support, so that's not a mIRC bug or even mIRC related. You should feature request it on their forums.

And there are complicated issues with having the scripts editor support unicode because it can cause scripts to be broken when moving them between people who have and don't have unicode enabled. I'm sure that will be added at some point, but it's not a bug.

For the rest, I don't use unicode, so I can't really help you there. Someone else can probably help with that.
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