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Posted By: marco50 6.3 timing when a script loads - 22/08/07 10:30 AM
the timing when loading a script seems different in 6.3, compared with 6.21. in 6.21, this code worked well
(winXP SP2. mirc clean, begun from scratch, no additional scripts):
on *:START: {
 /toolbar -az3y100 afk "a tip" myicon.ico /myalias
 if ($toolbar(afk)) /echo -s * toolbar ok
 /hmake -s wconn 20
on *:ACTIVE:*: {
 /toolbar -y100 afk
 /hadd wconn active $cid 

in 6.21, the output is:
* toolbar ok
* Made hash table 'wconn' (100)

In 6.3, the output is:
/toolbar: no such button 'afk' (line 7, script1.ini)
* toolbar ok
* Made hash table 'wconn' (100)

If I swap the two commands in the onActive section, in 6.3 I get the error that the hash table does not exist.

My conclusion: in 6.21, the onACTIVE code gets active after the completion of the onSTART code. In 6.3, it lookes like both parts get active somehow simultaeously.
My workaround:
on *:START: {
  if (!$toolbar(afk)) /toolbar -az3y100 afk "a tip" myicon.ico /myalias
  if ($toolbar(afk)) /echo -s * toolbar ok
  if (!$hget(wconn)) /hmake -s wconn
on *:ACTIVE:*: {
  if (!$toolbar(afk)) /toolbar -az3y100 afk "a tip" myicon.ico /myalias
  /toolbar -y100 afk
  if (!$hget(wconn)) /hmake -s wconn
  /hadd wconn blah 123 

Awkward. I had to add the if-statement for the hash table too. otherwise I'd get a no-such-table error.
also, I hat to add the if-statements in the onSTART code to stay compatible with 6.21
(my preliminary, incomplete examination here )
Posted By: Khaled Re: 6.3 timing when a script loads - 23/08/07 12:12 PM
Thanks, it appears that a change in the way scripts are loaded on startup was allowing events to be triggered before the on START event. This has been fixed for the next version.
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